Feb 5: Religious Relationship


James 4:17, NIV: If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.

It is not a sin, or wrongdoing, to know or have information of what’s wrong or right. The Bible makes it clear that are two types of sin: doing what is wrong and not doing what is right. This is exactly what James is referring to in this passage.

The Bible also makes it clear that what we choose to obey in life will also reward us. If we obey our jobs, we will be rewarded with a paycheck. If we obey our doctors, we will be rewarded with a treatment. If we obey the world, we will be rewarded with anxiety that come from conforming to the culture of today. If we obey God, we will be rewarded with peace and God’s favor over our lives. Not only that, miracles will follow us!

“The wages of sin are death…” writes Paul in the book of Romans, but later in letter, “obeying God leads to righteousness and life”. We are either obeying God or our sin - but never both. Let us pay attention to whom we are obeying to: obeying sin is pleasing ourselves (selfish) but obeying God is pleasing Him (selflessness).

How do we obey? But following and practicing what is “written” in the Bible. Do not be deceived into thinking that ‘knowing' of the word is enough, but be lead in the Spirit to the will of God.

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Jan 22: Religious Relationships


Jan 14: Religious Relationship